Experiences Packages

To start working in the Kengin Editor, you need to make a workspace called an Experiences Package. This is the main container for your work.

Create a new Package

To create a new Package:

  • Go to the File menu and select ‘New Package’.
  • On the new screen, select a directory for the Package then click the ‘Next’ button.
  • Check the details and click the ‘Create’ button to finish making the Package.

If you look in the directory selected above you’ll see some new files and subdirectories have been added including:

  • assets/ subdirectory: This contains your static scene data like .usda files and textures
  • experiences/ subdirectory: This contains the Experiences contained within the Package.

Now that we’ve got a Package to hold our game, we can add an Experience which represents a scene.

Create a new Experience

Before creating a new Experience, we need a scene to base it on. You can place any .usda file in the assets/ subdirectory of the Package. Most modern 3d tools like Blender and Maya let you export your scene in .usda format. When copying the .usda file to the assets/ subdirectory of the Package, don’t forget to include any subdirectories which contain textures or other related scene files.

To create a new Experience in the Kengin Editor:

  • Go to the Experiences menu and select ‘New Experience’. If you can’t see the Experiences menu, make sure you have a Package open in the Editor.
  • Select the .usda file which contains your main scene data using the file picker. It should be in the assets/ subdirectory of your Package. Click ‘Next’
  • Give your Experience a name and click ‘Next’.
  • Check the details and click ‘Create’.

You will now have an Experience in your Package. You can add more Experiences to the Package and switch between them using the button next to the Experience name at the top of the screen.